Academic Earth

Academic Earth features a large collection of free online college courses as well as over 1,500 video lectures from MIT, Stanford, Berkeley, Harvard, Princeton, and Yale. Academic Earth also offers a selection of curated video playlists from their most popular online courses.

LUMEN Learning

The Lumen Learning Course Catalog includes a highly-recommended and recommended courses maintained by the Lumen Learning team. A variety of other community-contributed OER courses are also available in the Lumen Platform.


Explore over 2,200 online courses crafted by MIT faculty that are shared freely with independent learners, and undergraduate and graduate students throughout the world. A wide selection of STEM, arts and humanities, and social sciences courses are available.


MERLOT is a collection of peer-reviewed OER designed primarily for faculty and students of higher education. The MERLOT project was developed in 1997 by the California State University Center for Distributed Learning. The collection contains over 40,000 resources that are organized into 19 different material type categories such as animation, assignment, case study, online course, open textbook, quiz/test, and workshop training material.

MOOCs For Development

Massive Open Online Courses (aka MOOCs) offer any age student free access to non-credit courses taught by world-renowned educators and leading industry experts; the courses include an incredible array of topics and, often, in languages other than English. MOOCs, when combined with Open and Distance Learning methods, present unprecedented opportunities in sustainable development. Commonwealth of Learning (COL) emphasizes MOOC platforms that provide a good learning experience at low bandwidth and offline where necessary.

M.O.S.T. Commons

The Maryland Open Source Textbook (M.O.S.T.) Commons is a collaborative, online space designed to support the sharing and creation of Open Educational Resources (OER). Through M.O.S.T. Commons, you will have the opportunity to access openly licensed content and collaborate with faculty within your institution and across Maryland. The site also provides faculty with authoring tools to create their own OER.

NOUN e-Courseware

The e-Courseware is a repository of available digital course material of the National Open University of Nigeria that will help you in your course of studies.


Openly Available Sources Integrated Search (OASIS) is a search tool that aims to make the discovery of open content easier. OASIS currently searches open content from 88 different sources and contains 352,345 records.

OER Commons

OER Commons was created in 2007 by the Institute for the Study of Knowledge Management in Education (ISKME), a nonprofit education research institute dedicated to innovation in open education content and practices. It is a digital library that offers peer-reviewed OER in a variety of disciplines for all grade levels. Users can browse through the OER collection by subject areas, grade levels, and material types (e.g., activities and labs, audio and video lectures, games, homework assignments, full courses, lesson plans, and textbooks).


The Open Educational Resource university (OERu) aims to provide free university-level courses to all students worldwide using OER learning materials with the option to gain credible qualifications from recognized academic institutions. OERu uses an open peer review model inviting public input and feedback on courses and programs as they are being designed. OERu currently offers courses on subjects such as art, business, and economics.


OnlineCourses is a collection of over 500 free online classes from accredited universities. Classes are offered in a number of fields in the sciences and humanities.


This is a free and open digital publication of high quality university‐level educational materials. These materials are organized as courses, and often include course planning materials and evaluation tools as well as thematic content. OpenCourseWare are free and openly licensed, accessible to anyone, anytime via the internet.

Open Education Consortium

The Open Education Consortium is a global community of hundreds of higher education institutions and associated organizations committed to advancing open education and its impact on global education. The Open Education Consortium collaborates with MERLOT to provide users with an integrated database of open educational resources.

Open Education Database (OEDb)

OEDb offers a comprehensive collection of free online courses from accredited universities. OEDb currently lists over 10,000 free open courses from universities such as MIT, the University of Michigan, and Johns Hopkins University.


OpenLearn gives you free access to course materials and expert opinion on topical issues.

PhET Interactive Simulations

PhET, originally named the “Ph”ysics “E”ducation “T”echnology project, was developed by the University of Colorado Boulder to help students engage in science and mathematics through fun, free, interactive, research-based science and mathematics simulations. As users interact with tools such as sliders, click-and-drag features, radio buttons, and various measurement instruments, they get immediate feedback about the effect of the changes they made. This allows them to investigate cause-and-effect relationships, make real-world connections, and answer scientific questions through exploration of the simulation.

Saylor Academy

Build new skills or work towards a degree at your own pace with free Saylor Academy courses! It offers free online courses available across the world.

Scholar Commons

Scholar Commons, a service of the University of South Florida Tampa Library, is a virtual showcase for USF’s research and creative energies. Members of the USF academic community are encouraged to contribute any completed scholarship for long-term preservation and worldwide electronic accessibility. Search engine optimization within Scholar Commons means your publications are easily found via a web search. As an author, you can track interest in your work through the author dashboard or monthly readership reports sent via email.

The Open University

The Open University a public distance learning and research university, and is one of the largest universities in the United Kingdom for undergraduate education. The Open University utilizes an all-inclusive model in which all course materials are included in the cost of its low tuition fees. The University offers short courses and certifications in addition to its more traditional undergraduate and graduate degree programs.

UNESDOC Digital Library

The UNESCO Digital Library is the repository of UNESCO’s institutional memory and a source of high-quality information on UNESCO activities (in education, natural sciences, social sciences and humanities, culture, and communication and information), with more than 350,000 documents dating back to 1945. It includes the collections of the UNESCO Library and several documentation centers in UNESCO’s Field Offices and Institutes, as well as the UNESCO Archives. The essential purpose of the UNESCO Digital Library is to share knowledge and to transmit it to future generations.